Thursday, October 03, 2013

Healthy aging habits of the super-healthy

Want to live a long healthy life with little or no degenerative disease or dementia? Follow some of the lifestyle habits of the Ikarians.

Ikarian Isle

Ikarians enjoy a wonderful lifestyle on their Greek isle and are one of the five countries in the Blue Zone, which boast the oldest citizens of the world. They reach the ripe old age of 90 with a very low dementia rate, and live over a hundred years.

Ikarians manually work in their self-sustaining gardens which include vegetables, herbs for teas, and grapes for wine. They eat hearty portions of beans, drink goat's milk, eat fish twice a week, and have two to four glasses of wine a day. They also consume as many as 6, yes, 6 cups of coffee a day.

Five secrets of their healthy aging are:

1. They keep active, walk extensively, bike, and manually work their gardens.

2. They eat a Mediterranean diet of vegetables, fish, beans, and goat's milk in the mid portion of the day. Fasting is a regular part of their lives in accordance with their religion.

3. They take naps. Studies show that people who nap on a regular basis are 35% less likely to die of heart disease than those who do not nap. It is good for reducing stress hormones as well.

4. At sunset Ikerians gather to socialize and drink wine or herbal tea.

5. Ikarians value their families and friends.


Monday, July 15, 2013

How to strengthen the immune system with your mind power

Body-Mind Medicine

Sitting silently in nature accesses the spirit, and when you learn to harness the energy of the spirit, you become powerful and free.

Your body naturally heals itself, given time. Using your mind is a painless, powerful key to unlocking your body’s healing potential.

The idea that the mind can influence the body is an idea whose time has come. What you think, is what you create. The body will respond to the cues that you give yourself. Deepak Chopra and Andrew Weil are two famous pioneers of this important discovery. Andrew Weil, MD discusses in his new book, Your Health Matters, how the doctors in the near future will spend an hour with their patients, and recommend mind-body techniques, herbs, nutrients, and other relaxation techniques to create superior health.

Our bodies respond to stress, anxiety, and fear, so it is a natural corollary that it will respond to positive actions such as exercise, relaxation, and meditation. You can strengthen your immune system with your thoughts.

Presently, it is a difficult time for many people. To prepare for the more challenging moments in life, you can strengthen your chi-energy. You want your 'vault' to be full, and to be able to have access to that vault during hard times.

Here is a simple visualization to help you heal:

Sit as quietly as possible, in a place of nature that is comfortable. Or you may lie comfortably and imagine the scene.

You are sitting on the greenest grass, sweet smelling, after a gentle rain. Large, strong pine trees shade you from the sun. Focus on the trees, how solid and rooted they are, and how you and the trees are both a part of this great design on earth. You are the energy of the grass, trees, sunlight and breeze. They strengthen your molecules, cells-your whole body, especially at the navel. Allow your mind to release worry.

This is a simple method that practiced consistently will strengthen the immune system at a deep level.

Try meditating in the light of a moonbeam- a new crescent moon, the warmth of the sun, sitting on a red rock, or at the beach. It will refresh your body and mind. A clutter free mind is always a good option to create a peaceful existence.

secrets of healing with stones

My newly released novel, The Lovers, has the lead character, Nadine, journey to the sacred land of Sedona, where she learns many secrets of healing from the ancient spirits on the sacred Native Indian land.

Here is a powerful exercise on how you can access your healing energies where you live:
Jewelry, watches, and photos are favorite things that we collect to remember a loved one.  Modern science is now supporting the physics of material objects.  Everything is made up of matter; and thus has a rate of vibration.
Take an object that is meaningful to you, a ring, or an old photo and sit quietly with it.  Meditate for a few moments and experience what you feel.  Do you get a picture in your mind, or hear a message, or feel a presence in your heart?  If you get ‘out of your head’ you will be surprised at what transpires.  Make a note of it for later reference in your life.
You may also use objects to heal yourself and others. You can charge your quartz crystals with positive energy, a high vibration, and an intention.
Sedona is the perfect place to energize yourself and your objects, but you can do it as well wherever you live. Imagine that your ring, necklace, bracelet, or stone is filled with healing, loving, prosperity, or whatever energy you choose.  Imagine that every time you look at this object you are filled with the quality that you set your intention with.