Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Writing your story

Igniting the writing process begins with daily meditation and mindfulness.  You can unlock your story through a practice of quiet contemplation. 

Writing is much more than plot, theme, and an outline you follow with excruciating precision.  Writing is about expression, the expression of your inner voice.  That is the work- developing your voice.  You learn to be free, vulnerable, and open to creating.  

We all have a story that we want to tell, that needs to be told.  Whether it is for our children, grandparents, friends, or a yet unknown audience, our voice needs to be heard.  The question then becomes:  how do we get our thoughts down on paper? 

Try this simple exercise before you meditate:

  1. Think about who you are.  Ask yourself:  Who am I?  What is my role in life? 
  2. Explore further than the expected/accepted roles of being a mother/father, spouse, worker, American, etc.  What gives me joy?  Sadness?  Fear?  Happiness?
  3. Honor the thoughts that surface, rather than place judgement on them.

Sitting silently being mindful brings you into the present moment.  And in the present moment lies the truth about yourself. Readers love a story that is compelling, coming from truth and inner knowledge whether you are writing a novel, memoir, or non-fiction.  

Now go get started on that manuscript!

Friday, March 16, 2018

The simple act of breathing is a technique that helps you in your life, to achieve balance and harmony.  It freshens your mind, and gives you crystal clarity.


One conscious breath a day can be life changing.  One conscious breath brings you into the moment.  One conscious breath brings you into your heart.

A daily practice of remembering to take one deep breath is powerful.  When you get up in the morning, before you even get out of bed, see if you can remember to take a conscious, deep breath - slowly inhale through the nose, pause, then exhale through either the nose or mouth.  As a beginning yogi or meditator, you may need to start by exhaling through the mouth.  Then as you get more practice, it will be easier to both fill and empty the lungs through nose breathing.  

As your day continues, when you remember, take another deep breath.  Say to yourself:  I am taking a conscious breath.  Feel how the oxygen fills your lungs, and distributes it to the cells in your body.  Notice how you feel.

The act of breathing is simple, yet by being able to focus in the present moment you learn how to access your inner voice, which will help you understand who you are, and live a life you choose by following the true path meant for you - the path of your heart.