Thursday, August 02, 2018

Cooling breath - sitali pranayam


With the summer’s heat it can be hard to relax and calm down with all of life’s pressures.  A powerful meditation with the use of breath can not only calm us but cool our bodies as well.

In the early days when I studied Iyengar yoga, the secrets of breathing meditations— pranayamas were very rarely taught.  The secrets were revealed after many years of study with a master guru or teacher.  Today simple and safe breathing exercises like sitali pranayam are available to all.  

Try the following technique to calm, relax and cool yourself.  It also is known to release pent up anger, and aids in overcoming addiction.  For example practice when the urge comes to smoke or overeat.  

Sitali pranayam - cooling breath  

Sit comfortably cross legged on a cushion so that the spine is straight and the knees are lower than the hips.  Your eyes are closed and you keep your head level.

Open your mouth and form an "O" shape with the lips.

Curl your tongue gently as displayed in photo.

Inhale through your curled tongue  - bring the coolness deep into the belly

Exhale slowly and fully through the nostrils.

Do the breathing slowly and calmly, so that the passage of air through the tongue and nostrils makes no noise. The tongue can be pulled back into the mouth and the lips closed after each inhalation.

Repeat for 1-2 minutes if you are a beginner, then work up to 5 minutes daily.  If at any time you feel uncomfortable, dizzy, or anxious stop the technique. 

Sitali Pranayam is cooling, and benefits the kidneys and adrenals, helps with digestion, and cleanses the spleen and liver.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Writing a novel

Contemplating being a novelist? Having read so many good books, you are thinking that you could write an outstanding novel.  You want to tell your story.  Be heard.

A novelist tells a story, a story that is so good, reality seems suspended. The readers believe you are telling the truth.  And you are, you are telling the truth of your heart.

Stories have been told and retold for centuries. Books immortalize the author's stories.  They inspire us, make us think, entertain us.  My favorite stories are those in which the characters go on a journey.  They start reluctant to change, and then transform throughout the story.  Your readers can't wait to turn the pages, find out what is next for your characters. 

A good story reflects your voice, the voice you hear deep inside of you, the words that are screaming to get out.  A writer writes, it is a passion.  It overtakes you, takes your breath away.  You can only write, and have to hurry to get to the paper, or the computer. 

Sure, writer's blocks happen.  Then you stop for a while.  Relax, do other things.  I paint when I get blocked.  No, I am not a painter, by any means, but it slows down the thoughts, and gets me back on track.  Meditation, music, dance, cooking are other ways to free the mind, our thoughts.  We have to be careful to not be duplicitous, betray ourselves with our mind.  

There is only one true voice, and once you free it up, the writing flows and flows.  You simply have to get out of the way- you become the writer and the writing, a kind of disappearing act.  You dissolve into the work.  

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Writing your story

Igniting the writing process begins with daily meditation and mindfulness.  You can unlock your story through a practice of quiet contemplation. 

Writing is much more than plot, theme, and an outline you follow with excruciating precision.  Writing is about expression, the expression of your inner voice.  That is the work- developing your voice.  You learn to be free, vulnerable, and open to creating.  

We all have a story that we want to tell, that needs to be told.  Whether it is for our children, grandparents, friends, or a yet unknown audience, our voice needs to be heard.  The question then becomes:  how do we get our thoughts down on paper? 

Try this simple exercise before you meditate:

  1. Think about who you are.  Ask yourself:  Who am I?  What is my role in life? 
  2. Explore further than the expected/accepted roles of being a mother/father, spouse, worker, American, etc.  What gives me joy?  Sadness?  Fear?  Happiness?
  3. Honor the thoughts that surface, rather than place judgement on them.

Sitting silently being mindful brings you into the present moment.  And in the present moment lies the truth about yourself. Readers love a story that is compelling, coming from truth and inner knowledge whether you are writing a novel, memoir, or non-fiction.  

Now go get started on that manuscript!

Friday, March 16, 2018

The simple act of breathing is a technique that helps you in your life, to achieve balance and harmony.  It freshens your mind, and gives you crystal clarity.


One conscious breath a day can be life changing.  One conscious breath brings you into the moment.  One conscious breath brings you into your heart.

A daily practice of remembering to take one deep breath is powerful.  When you get up in the morning, before you even get out of bed, see if you can remember to take a conscious, deep breath - slowly inhale through the nose, pause, then exhale through either the nose or mouth.  As a beginning yogi or meditator, you may need to start by exhaling through the mouth.  Then as you get more practice, it will be easier to both fill and empty the lungs through nose breathing.  

As your day continues, when you remember, take another deep breath.  Say to yourself:  I am taking a conscious breath.  Feel how the oxygen fills your lungs, and distributes it to the cells in your body.  Notice how you feel.

The act of breathing is simple, yet by being able to focus in the present moment you learn how to access your inner voice, which will help you understand who you are, and live a life you choose by following the true path meant for you - the path of your heart.  

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Healthy aging habits of the super-healthy

Want to live a long healthy life with little or no degenerative disease or dementia? Follow some of the lifestyle habits of the Ikarians.

Ikarian Isle

Ikarians enjoy a wonderful lifestyle on their Greek isle and are one of the five countries in the Blue Zone, which boast the oldest citizens of the world. They reach the ripe old age of 90 with a very low dementia rate, and live over a hundred years.

Ikarians manually work in their self-sustaining gardens which include vegetables, herbs for teas, and grapes for wine. They eat hearty portions of beans, drink goat's milk, eat fish twice a week, and have two to four glasses of wine a day. They also consume as many as 6, yes, 6 cups of coffee a day.

Five secrets of their healthy aging are:

1. They keep active, walk extensively, bike, and manually work their gardens.

2. They eat a Mediterranean diet of vegetables, fish, beans, and goat's milk in the mid portion of the day. Fasting is a regular part of their lives in accordance with their religion.

3. They take naps. Studies show that people who nap on a regular basis are 35% less likely to die of heart disease than those who do not nap. It is good for reducing stress hormones as well.

4. At sunset Ikerians gather to socialize and drink wine or herbal tea.

5. Ikarians value their families and friends.


Monday, July 15, 2013

How to strengthen the immune system with your mind power

Body-Mind Medicine

Sitting silently in nature accesses the spirit, and when you learn to harness the energy of the spirit, you become powerful and free.

Your body naturally heals itself, given time. Using your mind is a painless, powerful key to unlocking your body’s healing potential.

The idea that the mind can influence the body is an idea whose time has come. What you think, is what you create. The body will respond to the cues that you give yourself. Deepak Chopra and Andrew Weil are two famous pioneers of this important discovery. Andrew Weil, MD discusses in his new book, Your Health Matters, how the doctors in the near future will spend an hour with their patients, and recommend mind-body techniques, herbs, nutrients, and other relaxation techniques to create superior health.

Our bodies respond to stress, anxiety, and fear, so it is a natural corollary that it will respond to positive actions such as exercise, relaxation, and meditation. You can strengthen your immune system with your thoughts.

Presently, it is a difficult time for many people. To prepare for the more challenging moments in life, you can strengthen your chi-energy. You want your 'vault' to be full, and to be able to have access to that vault during hard times.

Here is a simple visualization to help you heal:

Sit as quietly as possible, in a place of nature that is comfortable. Or you may lie comfortably and imagine the scene.

You are sitting on the greenest grass, sweet smelling, after a gentle rain. Large, strong pine trees shade you from the sun. Focus on the trees, how solid and rooted they are, and how you and the trees are both a part of this great design on earth. You are the energy of the grass, trees, sunlight and breeze. They strengthen your molecules, cells-your whole body, especially at the navel. Allow your mind to release worry.

This is a simple method that practiced consistently will strengthen the immune system at a deep level.

Try meditating in the light of a moonbeam- a new crescent moon, the warmth of the sun, sitting on a red rock, or at the beach. It will refresh your body and mind. A clutter free mind is always a good option to create a peaceful existence.

secrets of healing with stones

My newly released novel, The Lovers, has the lead character, Nadine, journey to the sacred land of Sedona, where she learns many secrets of healing from the ancient spirits on the sacred Native Indian land.

Here is a powerful exercise on how you can access your healing energies where you live:
Jewelry, watches, and photos are favorite things that we collect to remember a loved one.  Modern science is now supporting the physics of material objects.  Everything is made up of matter; and thus has a rate of vibration.
Take an object that is meaningful to you, a ring, or an old photo and sit quietly with it.  Meditate for a few moments and experience what you feel.  Do you get a picture in your mind, or hear a message, or feel a presence in your heart?  If you get ‘out of your head’ you will be surprised at what transpires.  Make a note of it for later reference in your life.
You may also use objects to heal yourself and others. You can charge your quartz crystals with positive energy, a high vibration, and an intention.
Sedona is the perfect place to energize yourself and your objects, but you can do it as well wherever you live. Imagine that your ring, necklace, bracelet, or stone is filled with healing, loving, prosperity, or whatever energy you choose.  Imagine that every time you look at this object you are filled with the quality that you set your intention with.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Access your inner doctor

“A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thoughts to derive benefit from his illnesses.”

“The soul is the same in all living creatures although the body of each is different.”

How to access your inner doctor

The good thing about accessing your inner wisdom is that you can listen to yourself. Take your own advice.

When you quiet your mind, take a few moments for yourself, you will be amazed at the information that you can get.  There is a wealth of knowledge that can improve both how you feel and the quality of your life.

Recently when I went to for a check up with my doctor, I found that he was not listening to what I was saying.  He had a set of questions that he read off from the computer and ignored the information that I gave him. 

It is frustrating to have a physician that does not listen, and unfortunately it is all too common.  As an advocate for seniors, this is a huge problem area that needs attention, and at this time the best solution is to not only have a doctor that listens, but treats you as a whole person rather than just as a sum of parts.

Many doctors are surprised when a ‘patient’ comes in and understands their symptoms, dis-ease, or other problem that they are coming for help with.

Our bodies are intrinsically smart-our cells, tissues, organs and systems are constantly striving for homeostasis or balance.  When something starts to go wrong, the body will compensate to correct it. 

We will receive messages or symptoms from our bodies, whether on a mental, emotional, or physical level.  We might feel tired constantly, or lose our ability to sleep.  Our joints may hurt, or migraines may become a problem.  We have many lines of defense, and the best way to be healthy is to pay attention, and make immediate changes or seek help in the early stages of a condition or dis-ease.

Accessing your inner doctor:

Here are some easy steps to becoming self-aware.

1.  Develop body awareness.  Pay attention to what your physical body is telling you.  Ask yourself, is your symptom normal for you?  Is this symptom something new that is getting worse?  Does it keep you awake at night?

Yoga and tai chi are excellent ways to develop body awareness.

2.  Slow yourself down.  Take quiet time, by meditating, listening to music, or doing nothing at all. 

3.  Trust your inner voice, the messages you hear.  Listen to the whispers, before they become shouts.  Are you noticing that you want to change your diet, eat less meat, add fish, skip the junk food?  Does you body crave certain foods or herbs all of a sudden?  Follow those instincts.  Look up the herb or food you are craving, and see what vitamins it may have.  For example, you might be craving cherries, and cherries are good for reducing arthritic pain. Lately I have been craving licorice (root) which is excellent for helping the adrenal glands- they regulate stress in your body. 

4.  Look in the mirror.  What do you see?  Are there changes in your hair, eyes, face, body? The body will give clues as to what is happening inside of you.  Do you have dark circles under your eyes?  This may indicate not only lack of sleep but that you have an allergy, even a food allergy.  Use your senses to assess how you feel. 

5.  Follow through with your gut feeling.   If something feels wrong, it is probably is.

Trust what you feel and sense about yourself.  Research reputable sources for further information.  One of my favorite sites is  He is medical doctor who pioneered integrative medicine, and has a school in Tucson, Arizona that teaches nutritional principles to medical doctors.

Lastly, when you visit your physician, stay in your power.  You know yourself better than anyone else, and see the doctor as a partner, a person who helps you in your process of wellness.  Ultimately, it is you who can create super health for yourself.