To live peacefully one must learn to be a type Z person, letting go of what society dictates is a successful way to work and live.
Because I am single I am
often asked what qualities I seek in a relationship partner. I have the usual standard answers, loving,
kind, funny, cute, etc.
But I have one important
quality that I look for in a partner and that is a person who is willing to
live their life in a relaxed and calm manner, in a happy and healthy way. This makes for a true easy going
relationship, without room for disharmony in our every day lives. A
relationship can be your sacred place of peace and harmony. I know this sounds idealistic but it is
not that hard to create.
I call a person who lives
their life in a calm and relaxed manner a type Z person.
I first learned this idea
from Marcus Allen, a brilliant writer and publisher of NEW WORLD LIBRARY. He is different and a pioneer because he
chooses to live outside the mediocre rules of life yet still maintains a happy
family and hugely successful business that promotes service and makes a
difference in the lives of not only the readers of his book, but within his own.(see The Millionaire Course)
A type Z person does
everything that everyone else may do, but in a more MINDFUL way, with
Are you a type Z person?
Qualities of a type z person
handles the day
in a relaxed manner, instead of yelling at coworkers, family, customer service
reps throughout the day
enjoys their
life, even the mundane tasks, does them with
does one task at
a time, and does it well instead of multi tasking several at once
considers what they
says BEFORE speaking, will this be a good communication or a hurtful one?
considers what
his role in life is and follows his path regardless of what others say or may
think of him
is not busy every
moment of the day, with to do lists that can never be completed
allows time for for himself and his family and loved ones
type Z person knows who he is, follows his heart and lives his dreams in his
own manner rather than the dictates of society.
creates a peaceful, satisfying lifestyle.
The more persons who choose to be calm, and happy changes the balance of
their environment, helping others to feel the same way, and thus we have a
rippling effect, with more conscious lives and better relationships.